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On demand summit sessions

The IQVIA Virtual NLP Summit 2022 brought together a community of healthcare experts, data scientists, end users and more to share their real-world use cases, projects and successes with NLP. Watch the sessions below:
Deep phenotyping, AI, and the future of precision health – Washington University School of Medicine, Philip Payne
NLP for MedDRA Coding: Piloting in ICSR processing - CSL Behring, Martin Menke
Spanning the gap: connecting data scientists to unstructured information – IQVIA NLP, Paul Milligan
Innovating drug development with natural language processing: focus on safety – IQVIA NLP, Jane Reed
Deploying AI in Healthcare: from algorithm development to workflow integration – IQVIA, Nadea Leavitt and Matt Hackenberg
Getting started with NLP for Social Determinants of Health - NorthShore HealthSystem, Nirav Shah, Urmila Ravichandran, Tom Werth
Connected NLP – IQVIA NLP, David Milward
Transform unstructured data across the healthcare ecosystem – IQVIA NLP, Calum Yacoubian
Panning for gold: Surfacing novel content to drive richer conversations – IQVIA NLP, Hywel Evans
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