Understand healthcare practitioners’ evolving preferences and perception of pharma’s promotional activities
The IQVA ChannelDynamics® 2021 Preference & Perception Survey Dashboard provides timely insight into the changing preferences and perceptions of HCPs
COVID-19 and related lockdowns have shown us the importance of remote engagement. For healthcare practitioners, this meant adapting to new channels of communication with patients, as well as with the pharmaceutical industry, and it is likely that some of these changes will persist beyond the pandemic.

Therefore, understanding exactly which channels HCPs turned to and valued when traditional modes of engagement were not available, and which they will favour in future, is crucial to designing an engagement model that is fit for purpose in the post-pandemic world. 
The ChannelDynamics Preference and Perceptions Surveys are an annual opportunity to gauge the marketing preferences and perceptions of HCPs globally.

The 2021 survey, which includes 5 key questions, received respondents from over ~24,000 HCPs with results available for 36 countries and up to 20 specialty types.
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Results are available to purchase by country, and are presented via an online Dashboard accessible via the IQVIA Customer Portal. Results can be filtered by Country and Specialty Level and where available by Age category.

Find out more about Country and Specialty coverage here.

About ChannelDynamics: ChannelDynamics is a unique information and service offering providing key metrics and benchmark insights into competitive sales force and marketing channel activity of the pharma industry. Based on a proprietary online daily diary survey of over 30,000 HCPs across 36 countries, capturing their exposure to life-science communication channels, the resulting data are processed and projected to show both promotional contact volume and investment by channel at company and brand level.

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